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Thursday, December 6, 2007

National President's Letter--December 2007

December 6, 2007
Presidents Letter for December 2007
Merry Christmas to all members, their families and the Auxiliary members.

I can't believe it's Christmas time. It seems like we just took down the decorations and stored them for next year when all of a sudden, it's that time of year again to put them back up. Can you believe that Christmas trees (Fraser Fir from the NC mountains) are selling for $60 on up this year. That was almost a months pay when I enlisted in the CG.

Time is drawing near for the Mid-Winter Conference, to be held on January 19 at the National Headquarters building in Harker Heights, TX. I have asked Earl to look into a hotel for us so we can all be together. When he gets this information, it will be forwarded to Warren for distribution via email so all attending will know.

According to our national treasurer, $19,220 has been forgiven by the IRS for back taxes created when an unauthorized chapter used our AFE9A account number to hold Bingo in Texas and never paid the proper taxes or even filed as required. Since the AFE9A was awarded the number, we automatically became responsible. Thanks to Ervin and Earl as well as others, this has issue has been worked out. What a load off our backs. Thanks guys.

It appears that some NEC members have still not sent in their vote concerning the proposed 2008 budget. Please attend to this quickly. I know all are busy this time of year but business is business.

Congratulations to the Keystone Chapter for going ahead and accepting the temporary appointment of CSM Craig Grower as Chapter President and SGM (Ret) John J. Terranova as Adjutant. Our third National Vice President Warren Rees was instrumental in making this take place. Good things happen when members are willing to cross the line and help out.

Sybil and I wish you all a healthy and happy New Year and if you are in my area of NC, give us a call. See you in Texas.

Submitted by:
Curtis R. Leary
National President